CEfx Ornament & Crime CV Generator

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Price shown includes Teensy controller, does not include 3.5mm in/out jacks
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The CEfx Ornament and Crime module ("o_C") is a flexible control voltage generator/processor. It uses a PJRC Teensy microcontroller board along with calibrated high-accuracy A/D and D/A converters to generate and process CV signals. This module is based on the open source hardware design of Max Stadler and firmware of Patrick Dowling and Tim Churches. This CEfx design is a near-replica of Max's hardware in a CEfx form factor, adapted to the particular needs of the breadboarding environment. There are no changes from the original design that affect performance and this module runs umodified o_C firmware. We supply this module in several build variations to support specific requirements (e.g. with or without the Teensy microcontroller, with or without the 3.5mm input/output jacks).

The o_C module allows you to select one of 12 (as of this writing) CV applications stored in the firmware. Each application performs some control voltage processing or generation function (for example the CopierMaschine application is an Analog Shift Register (ASR), Sequins is a dual channel sequencer, etc). Applications are selected and configured using the OLED display, rotaray encoders, and up/down push buttons. The o_C user manual gives full details of all the applications and configuration options.

You can purchase this CEfx module with or without the Teensy processor. You can order it without the processor if you prefer to supply your own Teensy 3.2 board and connection headers. If you order this module with the processor the Teensy will have headers installed and current o_C firmware already loaded.

As with all CEfx boards, this module uses hookup wire/jumpers to connect inputs and outputs to other CEfx modules or breadboard contact points. As a convenience we can install (5) 3.5mm jacks which are uncomitted (e.g. have no connection by default). A pin block below each jack allows you to wire the tip and the ring of each jack to anything including CV outputs, trigger inputs, etc.


The firmware applications (as of this writing) include:

CopierMaschineAnalogue shift register (ASR)
Harrington 1200Triad (three note chord) progressions
AutomatonnetzVector sequencer
Quantermain4 channel quantizer
Meta-Q2 channel quantizer
QuadraturiaQuadrature wavetable LFO with tap tempo
Low-rentsLorenz attractor modulation generator
PiquedQuad envelope generator
Sequins2 channel sequencer
Dialectic Ping PongBouncing ball envelope generator
ViznutcrackerBytebeats signal (noise) generators
Acid CurdsChord sequencer
ReferencesTuning utility

This shows the o_C module in a CEfx system containing a power module, two VCOs, a VCF, VCA, and Speaker/Headphone module:

More CEfx Information

Powering CEfx Modules
CEfx Mounting Options
CEfx Breadboards

Usage Notes

Like a standard o_C module, the CEfx version accepts four CV inputs between -3V and +6V and four triggers with logic-level thresholds, and generates four CV outputs between -3V and +6V.

Refer to the o_C web site for more info, including a user manual.

Other than the placement of the up/down switches, the look and feel of the CEfx version is identical, right down to the choice of rotary encoders. The big difference is the input-output connections. As with all CEfx modules, the primary connection technique is with hookup wire or test jumpers.


Between the knobs and the teensy,there is a row of pin sockets. The sockets are labeled TR1, TR2, TR3, and TR4 are for the trigger input signals.

To the right of the Teensy, are four sockets labeled CV1 IN, CV2 IN, CV3 IN, and CV4 in. These are for the control voltage inputs.

Finally, along the top of the module, directly below the audio jacks (if installed) there is a row of pin sockets arranged as five groups of three sockets. Output control voltage "A" is the middle pin of the rightmost group. CVB is the middle pin of the next group to the left. CVC is the middle pin of two groups the left of the CVB group (we skip the middle group). CVD is the middle pin of the leftmost group.

The audio jacks are there as a convenience to connect the o_C module (or other CEfx modules) to external hardware. There are five uncommitted jacks. For each jack, the "TIP" connection is brought to the leftmost socket of each group directly below each jack. The "RING" connection goes to the rightmost pin. The middle pin is one of the four output control voltages. You can connect any of the jacks to any of the CV or trigger signals with a length of 22AWG solid hookup wire, or a test jumper.


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